Sony reveals the 1TB PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4 owners will know that a 500GB hard drive is just not enough in this technology driven day and age. PlayStation 4 titles are growing in size, with some titles taking up at least 50GB of space – once installed. Ultimately, those who own a PlayStation 4 would have to uninstall various video game titles in order to make room for newer ones. However, Sony seems adamant to keep players happy, which is why the company has now unveiled a PlayStation 4, which comes with a 1TB hard drive. According to Sony, the latest PlayStation 4 will be dubbed the “Ultimate Player 1TB Edition.” The Ultimate Player 1TB Edition will drop the 500Gb hard drive and replace it with a 1TB hard drive. According to Sony, the latest batch of consoles to hit the market will also be 10 percent lighter, use eight percent less energy, and come standard with a matte hard drive bay cover. The PlayStation 4 Ultimate Player 1TB Edition has been confirmed for South Africa; however, no official release date or pricing has been confirmed. If you missed out on the PlayStation Plus June 2015 lineup, you can find it here.


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